Clio supplemento a Argonauta n. 7-12 2011
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The Angolometro is our instrument for measuring angles. A disc of cm 20 diameter plywood, with glued above the photocopy of a goniometer or just a plastic gonioneter, perforated at the center to be slipped on a base with an interposed spacer, consisting of a disc of cm 10 diameter plywood. The basis is formed by a square of wood or plywood of cm 1 tick and a cm 30 diameter drilled in the center. The goals for making arrays are made up of nails, one (T) on the point 360 ° of the disc and one (P) on any point of the base. Under the base glue a piece of wood, cm 4 wide, which will serve as a handle. At the center we provide a blind hole with a drill bit the same diameter as a large nail from a builder, this will be the central pivot for alignments. Cut the tip and the head of the nail by the mason and slip into the hole of the base. Then insert the disc spacer and the degree wheel.
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