Clio supplemento a Argonauta n. 7-12 2011
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But this desire is not fulfilled: the City makes it inaccessible to the public Settepassi the collection, as it did for others in his possession.
The activities and the generosity of Settepassi does not end here. During the war, save the collection from the dispersion Monterosato, taking an interest because the same can be acquired by the City of Rome. To his city of origin and lavished still gives the city of Viareggio historical and cultural relics including 350 volumes of scientific interest, old newspapers vintage postcards (first printed in Italy), badges and medals.
There are many awards tributatigli not certain, however, than they would have deserved: in the field of philately is attributed to the distinctive gold "Veteran of Philately", a silver plaque is awarded by the City of Cupra Marittima for "A Life for malacology ", the Middle School" Gramsci "in Rome dedicated to his name, a small museum of natural sciences. And 'member of the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Lucca; honorary member of UML (Italy Malacology Union - now SlM), founder and honorary chairman of ClSMA; honorary member of the Belgian Society of the Paleontology and Malacology, member of the Steering Committee dell'Unitas European Malacology, member of the Committee of Quaternary studies.
The President of the Republic gives it in 1976, perhaps belatedly, the honor of Commander, but nobody thinks of offering a well-deserved honorary degree. Only in March 1982, the City of Rome acting to appoint "Honorary Curator" of the Museum of Rome: Settepassi unfortunately will never know that he had this recognition. When Settepassi was still with us, Professor. Parenzan Peter wrote: "That of Francis Settepassi was a truly exceptional and heroic life. It 'a shame that the University of Rome and the National Research Council did not have ever realized, "and I would go: and that the City of Rome did not make it yet I have received a donation from Settepassi, a heritage of immense scientific value that can not handle, that's not how you respect the last wishes of a man who has done something unselfish, very generositi, in favor of science and of the same municipality, the municipality that could provide enthusiasts and scientists, provvedesse only if the arrangement of the collections in its possession, one of the most important malacological collections worldwide.
At the end of my short memory, I must reiterate what I wrote already, in his memory and News CISMA, back in 1982. After eleven years after his death Francis Settepassi is even more present among us. His youthful spirit, kindness and warmth, his charm, his insight, his teaching, his love for life and nature, his example as a man never subdued, fond of his freedom of action and thought , are always present in us all.
He has lived his life fully, respecting others and their ideas. It 'hard to find such men, but when you meet us you can feel lucky, because it is in them that you found the deepest values, they are the ones that restoration of confidence in life and in humanity.
Gaddo Zanardi
This biography was published in News CISMA vol. XIV (2-4)
and here is fully revived.