Clio supplemento a Argonauta n. 7-12 2011
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Our collection.
We asked several professors, after a great visit to the Museum of Paleontology, Faculty of Paleontology, University of Rome, if we could collect the fossils of our neighborhood and we were told that, despite the law, since it could collect copies of recent (latest Pleistocene) and do not constitute a scientific value to the state.
Thus we have "razzolato" in the sand of our neighborhood and
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we set up a small window with the various species collected. "Even our neighborhood has an ancient history"
After a few mistakes and some advice of experts, we learned that:
1) the fossil shells are very delicate, after harvest are often transported in boxes with padding to prevent breakage and still be treated with extreme care and delicacy.
2) can not be washed as we do with the living shells: their material has now been partially replaced by various substances and is often very porous and fragile. The water swells and then split. So the only possible operation is to clean brushes and brush them with toothbrushes remembering what was said in paragraph (1).
3) if you can very delicate groped to fortify and protect them with the fixator to be painters or more simply with clear spray paint. Often the hair fixative gives good results mainly because more opaque paint.